Monday, March 28, 2011

Winter Jam: Part 1 "The Wating"

Winter Jam is an awesome Christian tour that has many artists each year to participate. Every year is different and unique and this year was my very first year to attend. The worst part is the waiting... this is not waiting in Florida this is waiting in MI's freezing 15 degrees weather for hours... Not the most fun...with a terrible wind...but it was worth it and I have pictures the prove it!
After waiting for hours, then you can see the power of music.
Me and Christianna before it started!! :)


  1. I like all of these posts!! ahaha..
    That picture turned out cute!!! <3 YOu!!!!

  2. awww... love you too! <3
    It was a GREAT experience!

  3. Have I said how much I love this picture!! haha I think it's so cute!!!
