Saturday, January 7, 2012

Long time, new Year!

Hey Friends,
Happy New Year! Since I wrote last, I have had done a summer long tennis academy option, went to Cincinnati, Ohio and watch real, live professional tennis players.  Had a birthday, started High School, Thanksgiving, DRIVERS ED. Started the class on the 28th of November and it went through the 15 of December. I did really well on the test and I am getting my hours in.  Then I enjoyed an amazing Christmas present early on the 15th... going up to GR to watch The Story Tour. That was so amazing.  Then Christmas began and ended.  New Year's Eve I babysat. 
Life has been crazy.  Life has been tough.  Life has been amazing.  My life has been full of God.
I can't believe it's been so very long since I've posted on here.
I am considering starting something new, like video posts on youtube or here. Whatever works really. I bet my life isn't the only thing that has been crazy, I'm sure you have had tons of occurrences in your life too.  Thanks for reading this.  I hope you are all healthy, physically and spiritually.
Love in Him,
katherine <3

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